Sunday, April 27, 2014 Camp Sunday

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Camp Sunday

God Invites Us to Worship

Pick Ups


Life and Work of the Church

Passing the Peace

Lighting the Christ Candles 

Hymn:  MV# 145 "Draw the Circle Wide"

Call to Worship:

Like geese moving north with the coming of spring,

We come to you, O God.

Like flowers springing out of cold earth,

We come to you O God.

Like campers running to the dining hall when the bells ring,

We come to you O God.

But our path is not always straight, and we don't always stick together.

Help us to change our ways.

We wither when things get hot.

Help us to change our ways.

We may forget to give you thanks for everything you provide.  Help us to change our ways.


Children's Time: Greg Weaver "Day in the life of a camper"

Hymn:  MV# 92 "Like a Rock"

The Scripture Speaks to Us

Psalm 16 VU# 738

1 Peter 1: 3-9

John 20: 19-31  

This is part of our sacred Story

Thanks be to God                


Hymn:  MV# 87 "Water Flowing from the Mountains"

God Invites us to Respond

Offering invitation:

Presentation of our Gifts

Offertory Response :

                   Praise God from whom all blessings flow’

                  praise God, all creatures high and low;

                  give thanks to God in love made known:

                  Creator, Word and Spirit, One.

                                                           Words - Thomas Ken  music - Gladys Jack

Dedication Prayer:

Prayers of the People:

Lord's Prayer:

Hymn:  VU # 289 "It Only Takes a Spark 

God Goes with Us In Our Daily Lives

Commissioning and Benediction:

Choral Benediction:

Amen,  Amen,

Hallelujah Amen (3X)  VU# 974


Scriptures for next week:

Acts 2: 14a, 36-41

Psalm 116 VU# 836

1 Peter 1:17-23

Luke  24:13-35





Recycle your Bottles and Donate the $ to our Future Development Fund!


Sunday April 20, 2014 Celebration of Easter