Family and Youth Programming
Grace United Church strives to have a welcoming environment for families to enjoy fellowship and worship all days of the week.
Homework Club
Students Grade 7-12 are welcome to join this program for TIME to work on and complete homework. Teachers and Tutors support the students. Grandmas in the kitchen provide a hearty and healthy meal for those in attendance. Lloydminster Border City Connects provides transportation to and from the program.
Youth Nites
Every Thursday from September to June we invite all youth from Grades 7-12 for some fellowship and fun! Youth Nites start with an ice breaker, opening prayer, mental health strategy and then the main activity of the night. This could be an outing in the community, a craft, baking, movie, games or a time of discussion. Please check our calendar for details about the upcoming Youth Nite.
Sunday School
Sunday School runs during the church service from September to May. There will be learning opportunities for all ages. Children 3 and under are welcome to use our baby fold upstairs in the lounge during the church service. School age children can join our teachers in the lower level for crafts, activities, games and music that reflect the lessons of the scripture from the service.
Groovin’ with Grace
Groovin with Grace is our new Junior Kids Choir for ages 12-18. Music will include fun and exciting music for Worship Services, Christmas, Gospel Night and groovy stuff for the in between times!! All that is needed is a smile, a voice to sing with, a joyful heart and a willingness to share our gift of music with all those around us. Groovin with Grace meets in the Choir room every Wednesday from 5 - 6 pm! Snack are provided!
Kids Praise
A choral/movement program geared to 4 - 10 year olds. Kids will learn songs, rhymes and play singing games. They will share at our annual Christmas Cantata and some Sunday worship services. This program runs Wednesdays from 4 - 5 pm in the sanctuary. Snacks provided before we begin.