Grace’s outreach programming expands to all facets of the church. If you are interested in being a part of any of our outreach groups we would love to connect with you.
Soup for the Soul
Could you rally a team of people to come into the Commercial Kitchen at Grace and prepare soup for our Outreach program? All food items and recipes are provided: we just need the manpower. The soup is prepared and then stored in one-litre containers, so we have a freezer full ready to hand out to folks in need.
Outreach Cupboard
Outreach Cupboard runs Thursdays from 1:00 - 2:00PM at the South doors of the church. Food resources are handed out to families and individuals in need. All participants are required to provide us with current Identification.
Senior Luncheons
Senior Luncheons are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Seniors are welcome to join others for fellowship, fun, and food. This program is FREE for all participants.
Community Coffee
Community Coffee is held the last Thursday of each month in the Grace Hall. All participants from the Outreach Cupboard are encouraged to attend and enjoy some fellowship with other people.