Sunday April 20, 2014 Celebration of Easter
Sunday April 20, 2014
Celebration of Easter
Sacrament of Communion
God Invites Us to Worship
Life and Work of the Church Family
Lighting of the Christ Candle
An Easter Egg Hunt
One: “Christ is Risen”
All: “He Is Risen Indeed”
One: “Glory and Honour, dominion and power,
Be to God forever and ever.”
All: Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Hymn: VU# 155 “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”
(Trumpet Deb Weir)
Time With the Children
Sacrament of Baptism
Introduction of the family
Baptismal promises
Blessing of the water
the Baptism and blessing of the child
Presentation of the candle and certificate
Hymn: VU#448 “We Know That Christ is Raised”
The Scriptures Speak to Us
Acts 10:34-43
(Peter preaches in the house of Cornelius)
Matthew 28:1-10
(The Angel Explains)
This is a Part of Our Story
Thanks be to God
Choir Anthem: “People of God Rejoice and Sing"
words: Don Besig and Nancy Price
music: Don Besig
Sermon: "In Every Sacrifice, God is Born"
Hymn: VU# 166 “Joy Comes With the Dawn”
God Invites Us to Respond
Offering Invitation
Presentation of our Gifts:
Offering Response:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow’
praise God, all creatures high and low;
give thanks to God in love made known:
Creator, Word and Spirit, One.
Words - Thomas Ken music - Gladys Jack
Dedication Prayer
Hymn: VU# 179 “Hallelujah, Hallelujah Give Thanks”
Sacrament of Communion
Prayer of Great Thanksgiving
Leader: The Lord be with you
People: And also with you.
Leader: Lift up your hearts.
People: We lift them to the Lord.
Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
People: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
Hallelujah, thanks and praise, ever living God,
worker of wonders, maker of miracles, author of all life and giver of life eternal!
Out of chaos and fear you bring beauty and hope.
Out of despair and death you create courage and new life.
And so, with the risen Christ who makes all things new
by the power of his resurrection, we join in the song of a new day, to sing your praise:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,
God of power and might.
Heaven and earth are full, full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord,
Hosanna in the highest.
Leader: On the night in which he was betrayed, and before he suffered and died, Jesus, at supper with his friends, took bread,
When he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying,
“Take this all of you and eat it:
This is my body which is given up for you.”
After supper, Jesus took the cup of wine, said the blessing, and gave it to his friends, and said,
“Drink this all of you:
This is the blood of the new covenant.
It is shed for you and for many, so that sins may be forgiven.
Do this in memory of me.”
Jesus gave his life for us,
Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith.
Christ has died
Christ is risen
Christ will come again.
Leader: Recalling his death, proclaiming his resurrection
and looking for his coming again in glory, we offer you, O God, this bread and this cup. Send your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon these gifts, that all who eat and drink at this table
may be one body, one holy people, a living sacrifice in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Gathering of the Prayer Eggs
Lord’s Prayer: (said)
Fraction and Distribution
Leader: This is the body of Christ
People: Hallelujah Amen!
Leader: This is the cup of blessing in Jesus name.
People: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!
Distribution of the Elements
Post Communion Prayer:
We give you thanks O Holy one, for the bread of New Life, and for the cup of resurrection blessing.
Make us an Easter people, rejoicing in new life, living always in hope, and serving the world with joy.
Hymn: VU# 173 “Thine is the Glory”
Commissioning and Benediction
Go forth in the name of the risen Christ,
rejoicing in the new life
open before us this Easter day.
May the blessing of God -
Creator, Redeemer. and Sustainer of all life -
be with us now, and always,
Amen, Amen,
Hallelujah Amen (3X) VU# 974
Today we welcome into our fellowship by the sacrament of baptism Rhen Alma Loney, daughter of Kyle Gary Loney and Erin Jillian Loney. Congratulations to grandparents and extended family, please join us for cake and refreshments in the upper hall following the service