Have You Given Us Your Auction Item(s) Yet!!?

Have You Given Us Your Auction Item(s) Yet!!
The Time & Talent Fundraiser Auction is fast approaching!  Here is the auction inventory to date:

Wooden Nativity Scene, framed wax painting, framed golf picture, Spirit Ridge wine basket, Charlie Churchmouse Slave Auction, Swedish thinbread, child’s fleece blanket, powerbolt lock, ‘Shades of Purple’ gift basket, Willow Tree Nativity, shirt/sweater combo, 7 cubic metres of concrete, baby afghan, Mabel MacKay’s crochet tablecloths, Justa Bear & Justa Party Set, 2 framed black & white Paris pictures, beach bag & cover-up, 3 drawer chest of drawers, Christmas Moose, Christmas wreath, baking, carrot cakes, The Ferbey Four curling book, The Sound of Music Anniversary Edition DVD set, Original Joe’s gift card, 4 tires, goodie baskets & gift certificates from Fountain Tire, beautiful bowl with decorative balls, framed “Sandy Beach Sunset” picture, black animal print purse & scarf, wine cork wreath, fruit cakes, hockey pictures, 12L Motor oil & 2 hats, Stephen Raye basket, Bobcat basket, dipping oils for bread, Mr. Bill’s gift certificate, leather bag with wine & glasses, metal musical plaque, Oiler tickets, pitcher& tray, Philpott’s foot warmer, Papa John’s gift card, grinder for stained glass work, laptop case, “Play & Stay in Grand Forks BC”, cat toy, dog basket, sterling silver jewellery, copper bracelet, ukulele & tuner with lessons, golfballs, collectible cars, glasses, Trip for 2 to Victoria, ‘Welcome’ plaque, Makita circular saw, car washes, stain glass grinder, laptop case & cash donations.

It’s a great start!  This should help give you some ideas.  Please bring your auction items to Church on Sundays until Oct. 20th, or call any Committee Member ~ Cheryl Wheeler  306-825-7211, Karen Ollen  306-825-2976, Marilyn McAllister  780-875-4383, Gwen Mohrbutter  780-875-6276, Elaine Knowlson 780-872-1525, Debbie Weir  780-875-3822 or Deb Lundquist  780-871-1652~ we would be happy to pick them up.  The sooner we receive or know what’s coming, it will help us plan our evening agenda and get all the paperwork ready.  Please do not drop off auction items at the Church House.

We are needing some manpower.  If you are able to assist us Oct. 29 ~ with hauling items to the hall, help set the tables, set up for the Silent Auction, or Oct. 30 ~ spot for the Live Auction, are able to take successful bid sheets to the winning bidder, or are willing to sell our Raffle Tickets, please leave your name & phone # with Karen & Debbie after the Church Service today.  Thanks for your assistance.

It is going to be a night full of fun & festivity with a few surprises, and a delicious hot roast beef supper to kick off the evening.  You won’t want to miss it!!


Thanksgiving Service at 10:30 in our Sanctuary!


We will be back in the Sanctuary by Thanksgiving! God Willing!