We will be back in the Sanctuary by Thanksgiving! God Willing!

We are trying to get back into our own sanctuary for Thanksgiving. Many people have been helping out!!  Including: Les Ellis, Glenn Moore, Don Weeks, Claude Hamilton, Eric Simpson, Ken Tuck and Duane Myers.  Murray Wright is helping us out with the carpet cleaning.  Duane Myers worked all day today putting the heat pipes back together finishing about 6 pm!  Les and crew will reinstall the heat registers tomorrow and finish up some other odds and ends so it should be ready for cleaning Friday.  Les has also got the main floor bathroom fully functional again. We pressurized the heating system to check for leaks following Duane's work but Bill L. will be getting someone he knows to come and check out the boiler and get it operational again.  Thanks Bill. Joyce Dickson will resume janitorial duties to the sanctuary so will look after cleaning it for Thanksgiving Sunday.  Jason Barnsley said he would look after getting the sound system back up and running.  We will need to do some additional winterizing later but everything is a go for Thanksgiving Sunday. Morris.

PS.  If you run into Duane Myers or any of the others,  give them a big thank-you for their assistance.  And thanks, Alison and Garnet for the coffee and muffins!

Thanks Morris for overseeing this!!


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