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VBS - Lava Lava Luau!

Vacation Bible School will run daily, August 23-26 from 9 am - 2:30 pm for children in grades 1-6.

Registration is for the entire week.

Throughout the week, there will be different activities for children to engage in and learn more about God. This will be similar to our activity mornings with manipulative toy exploration, icebreaker activities, stories, music (ukuleles, song & dance), crafts, outdoor games, scripture, and opening & closing prayers. We will be providing snacks and participants will be responsible for their bagged lunch.

The theme this year is Lava Lava Luau. Like a volcano, emotions build and build and then erupt. During our week-long Luau, we will see what God’s word says about anger, sadness, jealousy, and joy and learn how we can respond to these emotions and also help others who may be feeling these emotions. At the close of VBS, there will be a presentation for parents, grandparents and guardians celebrating all of the things we learned. We can't wait to share the fun with everyone! Here's what the daily plan looks like:

9-9:20 - Welcome

9:20-9:45 - Indoor game and ice breaker

9:45-10:15 - Large session and scripture reading

10:15-11 - Small group snack & discussion

11-11:30 - Music (ukuleles and action songs by leadership team)

11:30-11:45 - Object lesson (discussing objects and what you think about, such as a pair of sunglasses)

11:45 - Bathroom break and wash up

12-12:30 - Bagged lunch

12:30-1:30 - Craft

1:30-2:15 - Outdoor games

2:15-2:30 - Closing prayer and reflection

The cost for the week is $50 and subsidy is considered for families in need. Click here to register,

Questions can be directed to Lana Lane, or 403-901-8385.

Services: Sunday Mornings @ 10:00 am

Office: 4708 50 Avenue Lloydminster AB T9V 0W4

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am to 4:30 pm.

Phone: 780-875-8959  Fax: 780-875-5850  

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Facebook and Instagram @graceunitedch

August 25

AA - New Hope Group

August 27

AA - Lost and Found