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Homework Program

Homework Program

The GUC Homework Program is up and running again this year. Last week marked the first day back since early Spring. The Grace United Church Homework Program is for students in grades 7-12 needing assistance to complete homework.

The program runs from 3:45 to 5:30 every Tuesday at Grace United. Students unable to transport themselves to the program are picked up at their school by Lloydminster Connects, and rides are provided to those who require it. Volunteer teachers and tutors are available to support students in every subject area. Grandma Hazel and her team of cooks provide a hearty and healthy meal every week!

Visit our Facebook page or contact Lana with any questions.

Our Vision: Grace United is an Affirming Congregation which seeks through worship, study, work, actions and fellowship, to ensure a safe, nurturing environment.  We include all people into the life and ministry of the Grace family: persons of any age, colour ethnicity, gender identity and sexual orientation.  We celebrate the richness that diversity brings to the church.

Services: Sunday Mornings @ 10:00 am | Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-3pm

4708 50 Avenue, Lloydminster, AB, T9V 0W4 | P: 780-875-8959  : 780-875-5850 | | Facebook & Instagram @graceunitedch

THE LAND - We remember, as we celebrate God’s presence in Worship that G.U.C. gathers on Treaty 6 land, the traditional  territory of the Plains, Wood Cree, and Assiniboine peoples.  As Treaty people, we seek to live with respect on this land, and live in peace, and friendship with all our relations.

November 8

Sunday Worship

November 12

Sewing with Grace