Welcome to Grace! We hope you will join us for IN-PERSON worship on Sunday at 10 am. If you cannot make it to the church, you can be online. Click here to join us live on Facebook. A recorded version of the service is publicly available on Facebook by noon each Sunday. Throughout this publication, you will see underlined items. These are all hyperlinks, taking you to a website, Facebook page, or email to contact for more information. Give one a try by clicking on one of them, like the donation link. A hard copy of this publication is available in the office. Grace depends on financial contributions. You can support fantastic programming by going to our webpage, http://www.graceunitedchurch.ca/donate, or filling out a pre-authorized remittance form, available from the office. Grace depends on financial contributions.
What’s Happening This Week
December 12
Lake/Davidson UCW Meeting - 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Meri-dian Ukuleles - 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm
GUC Playschool - 6:00 pm
December 13
Hub of Healing - 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Fantastic Families Christmas - 3:00 - 8:00 pm
Homework Program - 4:00 - 5:30 pm
December 14
Darby UCW Christmas - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Fantastic Families Christmas - 3:00 - 8:00 pm
December 15
Worship Meeting - 9:30 am
Soup Trio - 12:30 pm
Outreach Cupboard - 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Community Coffee - 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Choir Christmas Party - 5:00 - 9:00 pm
Youth Nite - 6:00 - 8:30 pm
December 16
Last day for Playschool till January
December 17
Piano Recital - 1:00 - 4:00 pm
December 18
Worship - Advent 4 - “Twas the Evening Before Christmas “ & Baptism - 10:00 am
Piano Recital - 1:00 - 3:00pm
Piano Recital - 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Outreach Shopping List
o Canned & fresh fruit
o Pasta Sauce
o Canned veggies/tomatoes o Pasta
o Freezable meats
o Lunch meat
o Cereal o Rice
o Crackers o Juice boxes
o Canned protein (ham, chicken, tuna)
(Larger cans for families)
o Instant oatmeal pkgs
o Granola bars
o Toilet paper/ Kleenex
o Shampoo, body wash, deodorant
ORDER OF WORSHIP – December 11, 2022
Advent 3 - A Whole New World… With a Wilderness of Joy
Worship led by the Grace Choir, Adrienne Christopherson, Brenda Ellison, Karen Fawcett Rev. Cathy Kinsman, Jonathan Rollheiser, Lois Sonnega and Garnet Weaver
OPENING HYMN “Joy Shall Come” VU #23
Word and Music: Israeli Traditional, Arranged by Darryl Nixon, 1987
CANDLELIGHTING “In the Quiet Stillness of Creation” Gladys Jack
“In the quiet stillness of creation, in the quiet stillness of home.
In the quiet stillness of our being, God reminds us that we’re not alone”
ADVENT CANDLE LIGHTING – Melony Raspier and Lynn Turner
CHILDREN’S TIME “Cloth for the Cradle”
Cloth for the cradle, cradle for the child,
the child for our every joy and sorrow:
find him a shawl that’s woven by us all,
to welcome the God of each tomorrow.
Tune: Wae’s Me for Prince Chairlie (Scot’s trad.)
Words and Arrangement: Iona Community 1997 – Wild Goose Worship Group
Holy One, we do not always see the joy in the ordinary.
We may mistake gaining power, possessions, status, or wealth for true joy.
Sometimes despair and emptiness overshadow the joy.
Sometimes we forget to say “thank you,” and we overlook simple things in our lives that are cause for gratitude and joy.
Sometimes we say “yes” and give of ourselves from a place of guilt rather than a place of joy or sense of justice.
We give of ourselves until there is no joy left inside us.
Help us to find balance,
So we might sense healing through your courage and deep, abundant joy.
(A moment of reflection)
May we lift our voices as we sing a new song!
Even in brokenness and imperfection, God never leaves us.
May we sing praise as Mary does, steeped in the assurance of this truth:
we are forgiven and cherished through words of grace and comfort always.
For this, we give God thanks. Amen.
Hebrew Scriptures - Old Testament – Isaiah 35:1-10 – The desert blooms and rejoices
New Testament – Luke 1: 47-55 – Mary’s song of justice
In this is God’s Holy Word. Thanks be to God.
HYMN “There Was a Child in Galilee” (vs. 1,2,3) MV #134
Words and Music: Janet Gadeski, 2005 Arranged by: Patricia Wright, 2006
HYMN “She Came Sailing on the Wind” (vs 1,2,3) VU 380
OFFERING HYMN “What Can I Do?” MV #191
Words and Music: Paul Rumboldt and Michel McCarthy Arranged Alan C. Whitmore 2005
CLOSING HYMN “Hope Is a Star” (vs. 1,2,3) VU #7
Words: Sandra Dean, 1986 Music: James R. Murray, 1887
ANNOUNCEMENTS – Life and Work of the Church
CHORAL BENEDICTION “I am Walking a Path of Joy” MV #221
Words and Music: Janet Bauman Tissandier
Hymns from More Voices and Voices United are used with permission. One License #A-7252
Advent 4 – December 18 – A World Where We Are No Longer Alone
Isaiah 7:10-16 – The Sign of Emmanuel – Isaiah declares to Ahaz that a sign of hope shall come in the form of a young woman who bears a child.
Matthew1:18-2 – Joseph’s Dream
Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 – Shine Forth and Save Us
Romans 1:1-7 – Paul states his authority and belief.
Rejoice in being able to use your gifts to do God’s work.
The office will close at 3:00pm on December 22nd , for the remainder of the holiday season the office hours are as follows:
Dec. 23rd – Dec 27th closed
Dec. 28th & Dec 29th – morning only
Dec. 30th – Regular hours
Dec. 31st – Jan. 3rd – closed
"Twas the Evening of Christmas" written by Glenys Nellist. This will a morning of wonder & mystery as we prepare our hearts and minds for the Nativity of Christ at Christmas. We need the following:
Shepherds- still looking for some Sunday School Children to join
Camel Cutouts- 3
Our Child Actors have one practice left- Dec. 11th, following service.
On Sunday, Dec. 18th children will meet downstairs in the Playschool space by 9:45 a.m. Parents will be responsible for the simple costuming (we do have some items at the Church). Following service we will have cookies and hot chocolate.
COOKIES- WE STILL NEED MORE COOKIES:). Would you be willing to bake some? All cookies can be dropped off at the office.
YOUTH NITES|DEC 8 &15|6:00 – 8:30 PM |GUC
YOUTH NITES are an opportunity for youth ages 11-18 to gather in a safe and welcoming space to learn more about each other, take in a mental health strategy and have fun in the main activity. Upcoming main activities include Pizza & Movie, Christmas Baking, and Christmas Shopping for a family in need. Our last Youth Nite will be December 15th before the Christmas break.
The tradition of White Gift Sunday has its roots in a small Methodist church in Ohio in 1904. What began as a humble way to reflect on the love and devotion of the giver and not the value of the gift has grown into today’s white gift services in many churches across several denominations.
The story is told that a minister’s wife initiated the idea to solve the problem of inequity of gifts given at the Sunday School Christmas party. Instead of focusing on receiving gifts, the focus shifted to bringing gifts to Jesus that could in turn be shared with people around the world who did not have much. All the gifts would come wrapped in plain white paper, so that no one would know which was an expensive gift and which was a more modest one. No one would feel ashamed of their gift and everyone would share in the joy of giving to others.
Here at Grace, we will collect unwrapped gifts on Sunday, December 11th including hygiene products and toys for all ages. We are also encouraging cash donations to help Church In Society members purchase gifts in areas we may need to supplement. On December 15th, our Outreach families will be invited into the Church to do their 'Christmas Shopping' from all of the items we collect and purchase.
On the Doorstep of Grace
The theme for the December issue of On the Doorstep of Grace is Hobbies and Interests. We want to hear from our readers! Answer the following questions in a few sentences and submit your answers to the church office, in person to Brenda or Alison, or through email. We look forward to your responses!
What is your favourite pastime or hobby?________________________________________
How long have you been participating in this activity?________________________________
How did you get started? ___________________________________________________
How does it fill your cup? ___________________________________________________
Submit to brenda.ellison36@gmail.com or to agweaver@hmsinet.ca
Dec. 11th – Advent 3 – WHITE GIFT SUNDAY - A World of Joy in the Wilderness
If you are able, please bring along unwrapped gifts for the children and families we
serve from Grace’s Thursday Outreach Cupboard.
Isaiah 35:1-10 – The desert blooms and rejoices. Luke 1:47-55 – Mary’s song of justice
Dec. 18th – Advent 4 – A World Where We are No Longer Alone
Children and Youth helping to tell the Christmas Story
Isaiah 7:10-16 – The sign of Emmanuel. Matthew 1:18-25 – Joseph’s dream.
Saturday, Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve – A World Filled with Love and Light
Candles, Carols and the Christmas Story – 7:30 p.m.
Luke 2:1-14 – Jesus’ birth.
Sunday, Dec. 25th – Christmas Day – Merry Christmas - Please tune into the Cantata
which will be played online through Facebook. No Sunday worship in the building.
Luke 2:8-20 – Shepherds and Angels.
Sunday, January 1st – Happy New Year! – First Sunday after Christmas
Karen Fawcett and company leading Sunday worship.
Sunday Jan. 8th – Epiphany – A World Ruled by Generosity and Justice
Isaiah 60:1-6 – Arise, shine; for your light has come.
Matt. 2:1-12 – The visit of the Magi
Sunday Jan. 15th – Baptism of the Lord – Baptism Sunday
Matthew 3:13-17 – Jesus is Baptized
As beloved children of God, all are included in the life and ministry of the Grace Family
where diversity is celebrated.
Grace remembers, as we celebrate God’s presence in worship,
that Grace United Church gathers on Treaty 6 land,
the traditional territory of the Plains, Wood Cree, Assiniboine and Métis peoples.
As Treaty people,
we seek to live with respect on this land and live in peace and friendship with all our relations.
Minister - Rev. Cathy Kinsman - 1-204-294-2142 gucminister@telus.net
Executive Director - Bev Thurlow 780-875-8959 gucbevthurlow@gmail.com
Administrative Support - Ashley Barber 780-875-8959 gucoffice22@gmail.com
Treasurer - Lynda Campbell 306-821-2575 blbcampbell@gmail.com
Bookkeeper - Wendy Walker - 780-875-8959 guctreasurer@telusplanet.net
Family Support Worker - Lana Lane - 1-403-901-8385 lanalanegraceu@gmail.com
Playschool Coordinator - Lori Haygarth - 780-808-0959 dannyandlori@telus.net
Choir Director - Karen Fawcett - 780-875-4642 karenfawcett@hotmail.com
Affirming Support Worker - Jenson Brown - 780-875-8959 gucjensonbrown@gmail.com
Board Chair - Darrel Howell - 780-870-1671 dhhowell@telus.net