Welcome to Grace! We hope you will join us for IN-PERSON worship on Sunday at 10 am. If you cannot make it to the church, you can be online. Click here to join us live on Facebook. A recorded version of the service is publicly available on Facebook by noon each Sunday. Throughout this publication, you will see underlined items. These are all hyperlinks, taking you to a website, Facebook page, or email to contact for more information. Give one a try by clicking on one of them, like the donation link. A hard copy of this publication is available in the office. Grace depends on financial contributions. You can support fantastic programming by going to our webpage, http://www.graceunitedchurch.ca/donate, or filling out a pre-authorized remittance form, available from the office. Grace depends on financial contributions.
What’s Happening This Week
October 24
Helen Morlidge Funeral - 2:00 pm
Meri-dian Ukuleles - 4:15 - 5:15 pm
Handbells - 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Finance Meeting - 5:00 pm
October 25
Community Connections Prep - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Staff Meeting - 2:30 pm
Homework Program - 4:00 pm
Kidz Praize - 3:45 pm
Groovin’ with Grace - 3:45 pm
Meals & More - 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Exploring the Way - 6:45 - 8:45 pm
Fish & Game Meeting - 7:30 pm
October 26
Community Connections - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Central Board Meeting - 6:00 - 9:00 pm
AA Meeting - 8:00 - 9:00 pm
October 27
Fall Supper Prep - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Soup Trio - 12:30 pm
Outreach Cupboard - 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Community Coffee Time - 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Youth Nite - 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Community Choir - 7:30 - 9:00 pm
October 28
Fall Supper Prep - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
AA Meeting - 8:00 - 9:00 pm
October 29
AA Meeting - 9:00 - 10:00 am
Fall Supper - 9:00 am - 8:00 pm (Supper seating 4:30-7:00pm)
October 30
Worship - 10:00 am
October 31
Meri-dian Ukuleles - 4:15 - 5:15 pm
Handbells - 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Outreach Shopping List
o Canned & fresh fruit
o Pasta Sauce
o Canned veggies /tomatoes o Pasta
o Freezable meats/lunch meat
o Cereal o Rice
o Crackers o Juice boxes
o Canned protein (ham, chicken, tuna)
(Larger cans for families)
o Instant oatmeal pkgs
o Granola bars
o Toilet paper/ Kleenex
o Shampoo, body wash,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - Super Sunday
Worship led by Brenda Ellison, Karen Fawcett,
Rev. Cathy Kinsman, Jonathan Rollheiser, Lois Sonnega,
Garnet Weaver, Grace Choir and The Grace Celebration Ringers
GATHERING MUSIC Opening Singing Prayer Tune of Frére Jacques
God we thank you, God we thank you, (fold hands)
for this church, for this church. (extend arms to the side)
We are all together, we are all together. (hold hands)
in God’s love, in God’s love. (cross arms across chest)
OPENING HYMN “Bless the Lord” (vs. 1,2) MV #46
Words and Music: D. Brennan, M. Cavellero, K. Roth and K. Candedo. 1995
CANDLELIGHTING “In the Quiet Stillness of Creation” Gladys Jack
“In the quiet stillness of creation, in the quiet stillness of home.
In the quiet stillness of our being, God reminds us that we’re not alone”
CHILDREN’S TIME – Playschool Sharing
As we sing the third verse of “Bless the Lord,”
the children will move to the Sunday school group in the lower level.
HYMN “Bless the Lord” (vs. 3) MV #46
We live in this modern, tech-driven,
twittering age and often forget what you have done for us, God.
We pat ourselves on the back when we learn a new computer or cel-phone trick,
but have forgotten that life is more than a machine.
We have more than we could ever use,
yet, like squirrels, store up more and more.
Our faith is often pushed to the back of the closet,
to make room for all the fears we wear so easily.
Heal and restore us God.
Clothe us with your grace and mercy, and help us share with those who have little.
As our hearts overflow with your love and wonder,
may we offer them as gifts to everyone we meet.
As you feed with your joy and hope,
may we welcome all who lives are filled with tears and pain.
As we gather with family and friends during this season of thanksgiving,
we take time now to remember, pray and thank you God, for all your good gifts.
(Time for silent prayer and meditation)
This is the good news: as God dresses creation in wonder, so you will be clothed in grace;
as God pours out abundance upon the earth, so will we be blessed with peace and joy.
We don't say it often enough,
but thanks be to God for healing, for life, for curiosity and comfort.
We are blessed, with God’s plentiful grace. Amen.
SPECIAL MUSIC “Gratitude” The Grace Celebration Ringers
By: Alex Guebert
Psalm 65 – God crowns the year with goodness. (Read and sung responsively) VU #782
Joel 2:23-28 – Abundant rain, full threshing floors.
In this is God’s Holy Word. Thanks be to God.
HYMN “Each Blade of Grass” MV #37
Words: Keri K. Whelander, 2005 Music: Anonymous Arr. Linea Good, 2005
OFFERING HYMN “We Plow the Fields and Scatter” (vs. 3 only and refrain) VU #520
Words and Music: Matthias Claudius, Jane Montgomery Campbell Arr: Johann A.P. Schulz
CLOSING HYMN “Come, You Thankful People, Come” VU #516
Words: Henry Alford Music: George Job Elvey,1858
ANNOUNCEMENTS – Life and Work of the Church
CHORAL BENEDICTION “We Will Go with God” MV #223
Words and Music: Traditional Swaziland and South Africa Arranged: Dave Dargie
Hymns from More Voices and Voices United are used with permission. One License #A-7252
Remember that people of faith have been the key to some of the most incredible changes in our society. How does your faith call you to be a changemaker?
Upcoming Worship: October 30 – All Saints’ Day – Celebrating and remembering the Saints the Grace community has lost in this past year.
Scriptures for the day will be: Ephesians 1:11-23 – the hope to which you are called.
Luke 6:20-31 – Blessing and woes.
November 6 – Remembrance Sunday with the Legion Colour Guard
Scriptures: Haggai 1:15b-2:9 – God will shake things us; there will be new splendour. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17 – Let no one deceive you; stand fast in the tradition.
The Christian Development Committee has been working diligently to prepare and plan activities for our upcoming Creation Unit for Sunday School. AND we need your help. Please invite all of those little people in your world to come and learn about the gift of Creation. This is going to be a powerful unit of learning.
Sunday, October 16 – The Creation story through Music/Dance & Drama
Sunday, October 23 – SUPER SUNDAY – GUC Playschool 4 year old will be performing!
Sunday, October 30 – Creation Story Video and craft
Sunday, November 6 – Creation Story Art
MEALS N MORE|OCT & NOV |6:00 - 9:00 PM|GUC
Joyful creations with Tami Kappel and Tanya Robertson. Gather your friends and come prepare 3 meals plus a dessert item for your family. We have partnered with Residents n' Recovery and will fill 3 spots with moms who are in the program. What a gift to learn from others in the kitchen as they prepare food for their families! Is there anyone out there who is a gifted shopper and would like to get the groceries required for the Meals n More program? Please see Lana if this is something that interests you.
Cost: $65.00/class or $240.00 for 4 classes
Date: October 25, Nov 1, Nov 15 & Nov 22nd
If you are interested in any or all of these classes, please email the office at gucoffice22@gmail.com or call 780-875-8959. Payment is required in advance for these classes.
On the menu for October 25th: Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup, Chicken Doritos Casserole, Layered Mexican Bake, and Morning Spice Muffins
Still looking for Musicians!!! Groovin @ Grace and Kidz Praize start Tuesday, October 18th! Both youth programs run from 3:45 - 5:00. Snack is provided and the FEE for joining is one Outreach item every week to help stock our Outreach cupboard. If you know of any children who love to sing share these registration links.
YOUTH NIGHT|OCT 27|6:00 – 8:30 PM |GUC
We are needing pumpkins for youth nite next Thursday, October 27th. if you would like to donate one or some, we are accepting them at the office, Thank you.
October 27th- Pumpkin Carving
November 3rd- Yoga
You are invited to a Community Coffee Time on Oct 27th from 1:00-2:30PM in the Grace United Hall. We invite church members to come out to this event and visit with these partaking in the Community Coffee Time. If you would be willing to help out with a future event or provide baking, you can let the office know.
Affirming Leaders Day is our professional development event for leaders of all kinds. If you are looking to deepen your practices and enhance your awareness around issues of inclusion and belonging for 2SLGBTQ+ people, you are welcome. We will be focused on the theme: Small Town, Big Impact. Under the same name as our recently released video series, Small Town, Big Impact will feature speakers who are creating change in smaller or more non-affirming communities. Whatever your geography, you will be inspired and engaged by our cross-country presenters from East to West. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether you are a clergy member, faith leader, volunteer, community leader, or someone who just wants to learn more. This event will take place on Zoom. To help ensure everyone who wants to attend can come, all tickets are Pay-What-You-Can, with a suggested ticket price of $25. Get your ticket now!
Tickets will be available next week in the office or after church on Sundays. Payment is available by cash, cheque or debit. Adults - $20.00; Seniors - $18.00; Kids 6-12 - $12.00; 5 and under - Free
Just a reminder if you have any extra garden produce – carrots, potatoes, beets, we would be happy to have it for Grace’s “Fall Supper to be held on October 29th. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Please contact Marilyn McAllister at 780-808-4245, or Lynda Campbell at 306-821-2575.
Beginning November 1st, we will be putting up a Christmas tree to collect donated scarves, toques and mittens for our Outreach Cupboard. If you have any to be donated, they can be dropped off at the office during office hours.
We are looking for someone to head up our Poinsettia Campaign for December 9th. For more information please contact Lesley Morgan.
Less than 1 Month Away…
For the Grace United Church Time & Talent Fundraiser Auction evening, November 16, 2022. It is guaranteed to be an evening of great food, great fellowship & great fun…all while raising funds for the Church.
Tickets are $30 each and can be purchased in the Church Office or at Church on Sundays thru to November 6th.
Auction item donations are gratefully accepted on Sundays at Church until November 13th. They must be new, homemade, handmade or antiques. If unable to make it to Church on Sundays with your auction item, please call Deb Lundquist 780-871-1652 to arrange for pickup. Please do not leave auction items at the Church Office, as there is paperwork to complete. Thank you.
Hurricane Fiona has caused devastating damage across Atlantic Canada and Eastern Quebec. Communities throughout the regions of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters, First Dawn Eastern Edge, Regional Council 15, Nakonha:ka and beyond will need support as they navigate the road to recovery.
The United Church of Canada Foundation is accepting donations to help support the ara’s rebuild as the longer-term needs become clear. Your donation to the Ann Baker Estate Trust for Emergency Relief ion Canada will continue to provide flexible, reliable funding even after the media coverage wanes and as need for resources fluctuates. We will update you on the situation as on=the-ground partnership information becomes available. You can make your gift online here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/75488. Thank you for your generosity and please continue holding everyone affected by Hurricane Fiona in Constant prayer.
Do you have a deep longing for something more?
It may be something you can't explain. You're not alone.
Even people "raised" in a Christian church can feel disconnected from - and even repelled by –
what should be a comforting, constant presence in their lives.
It's why so many people today proclaim themselves "spiritual but not religious."
But what does that mean? Exactly what's meant by the spiritual journey?
“Exploring the Way” will help you understand and deepen your experience of God.
You'll be able to ask the questions of issues and faith in a safe place.
You'll discover (or rediscover) a way of grace, joy, and peace - indeed, the way of Christ himself.
Ideal for the novice and veteran alike,
this book defines and explains the most basic concepts and language of the Christian spiritual life:
prayer, the Bible's message for our lives today, spiritual gifts, listening, journaling, and much more.
It's the ultimate six-week orientation to spirituality and the essential elements of faith.
Stories, scripture, and exercises in each chapter will help connect your beliefs with daily experiences.
Through independent and group study, you'll establish a rhythm of daily time with God,
weekly time in Christian community,
and a lifelong attentiveness to possibilities for serving the world.
"To become a spiritual adventurer means learning to listen for the voice of God," writes the author.
"This listening involves a certain level of risk and vulnerability that does not come easily. ...
[But] we cannot fully rest until we find our way back to the place of our soul's origin,
back to the Love that gave us life."
Feed your hungry soul, using both your head and your heart while rejuvenating your own spiritual journey home!
The first orientation gathering is this coming week.
Please speak to Rev. Cathy if you are interested, as numbers are limited to 11 in each group.
We’ve missed the kids so bring the GUC Homework Program. Tuesday, October 18th marks the first day back for students Grades 7-12 at Grace. Alison Weaver and Brenda Ellison will be our fearless leaders of this program for this year. Students are transported to and from the program by Border City Connects. Teachers and tutors will support students in homework from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. Gramma Hazel and her kitchen crew will prepare a hearty meal for students to enjoy when they arrive after school around 3:45 pm. If you would like to support this program as a teacher or tutor for any subject area, please get in touch with Alison or Brenda. Here’s the registration link.
As part of the Grace United Church Affirming Ministry, Jenson Brown will be holding office hours every Thursday evening 7:00 - 9:00 at the Church. Jenson will provide a safe and comforting space to have discussion, share stories, and listen. Office hours are for anyone who needs a space to work out feelings and questions around the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Jenson is not a counsellor but a wonderful resource and someone willing to listen and share what he knows.
As beloved children of God, all are included in the life and ministry of the Grace Family
where diversity is celebrated.
Grace remembers, as we celebrate God’s presence in worship,
that Grace United Church gathers on Treaty 6 land,
the traditional territory of the Plains, Wood Cree, Assiniboine and Métis peoples.
As Treaty people, we seek to live with respect on this land and live in peace and friendship with all our relations.
Minister - Rev. Cathy Kinsman - 1-204-294-2142 gucminister@telus.net
Executive Director - Bev Thurlow 780-875-8959 gucbevthurlow@gmail.com
Administration - Ashley Barber 780-875-8959 gucoffice22@gmail.com
Treasurer - Lynda Campbell 306-821-2575 blbcampbell@gmail.com
Bookkeeper - Wendy Walker - 780-875-8959 guctreasurer@telusplanet.net
Family Support Worker - Lana Lane - 1-403-901-8385 lanalanegraceu@gmail.com
Playschool Coordinator - Lori Haygarth - 780-808-0959 dannyandlori@telus.net
Choir Director - Karen Fawcett - 780-875-4642 karenfawcett@hotmail.com
Affirming Support Worker - Jenson Brown - 780-875-8959 gucjensonbrown@gmail.com
Board Chair - Darrel Howell - 780-870-1671 dhhowell@telus.net