Sunday, June 23, 2019
2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Service led by the Choir,
the Congregation and Joyce Dickson
God Invites Us to Worship
Life and Work of the Church Family
Call to Worship:
East, the direction of the sunrise, represents the birth of new things, the spring, the fire of life, and is associated with matters of the soul. This is often represented by the color yellow.
South represents youth, sweetness, and the water element (most rivers tend to run south). It is most often associated with our emotions and the season of summer. This is often represented by the color red.
West, the direction of the sunset, represents adulthood, reaping the harvest of hard work, the earth and stones, and entering the dark “cave” of hibernation and creativity. It is associated with our physical body and the season of autumn. This is often represented by the color black.
North is the direction of the ancestors and the wisdom of our elders (both alive and deceased). The realm of the great return to spirit. We look to the north for inner healing and insight from those who have walked before us. It is associated with our mind and the season of winter. North is often represented by the color white.
Once you dive into the medicine wheel, the correlations and parallels that exist between the directions, colors, seasons, emotions and virtues begin to reveal themselves to you. And like most of the enduring traditions of the ancient world, this sacred tool provides a gateway to truth.
L. We come to worship God.
P. God is just. God is compassionate. God is love.
L. Where will we find God?
P. God is among the hungry and thirsty;
welcome the stranger and comfort the despairing hand.
L. How can we serve God?
P. Give food to the hungry and water to the thirsty;
welcome the stranger and comfort the despairing.
L. Let us seek God so that we can serve God.
P. Let us worship God who is just, compassionate and love itself.
Opening Hymn: VU #684 “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace”
Words: St. Francis Music: Sebastian Temple Used with permission. One License #A-725242
Prayer of Approach:
Loving God, You are the parent to whom we come,
the Son through whom we come,
and the Spirit, by whom we come to find shelter
amid the storms of life. You are always with us,
no matter where life takes us.
God of all people and places you journey with those
who have been displaced and flee in desperation.
We praise you for being with us when we are most vulnerable
and cry out for your justice, your love and your peace.
Your encouraging presence nourishes and guides us,
and stirs us to action in the face of injustice.
So, we turn to worship you O God,
grateful for your faithfulness to us and to all who come to you.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Hymn: VU #766 “As the Deer Pants for the Water”
Words & Music: Martin Nystrom Used with permission. One License #A-725242
Gathering of the children: Equality
Hymn: MV #92 “Like a Rock”
Words: Keri K. Wehlander Music: Linnea Good Used with permission. One License #A-725242
The Scriptures Speak to Us
Galatians 3: 23-29
This is a part of our story.
Thanks be to God!
Sermon: Equality
Hymn: VU #575 “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”
Words & Music: African-American Spiritual Used with permission. One License #A-725242
God Invites Us to Respond
Offering Invitation
Presentation of our Gifts
Offertory MV #191 “What Can I Do?”
Words & Music: Paul Rumbolt & Michele McCarthy Used with permission. One License #A-725242
Dedication Prayer
Prayers of the People
Lord's Prayer
Hymn: MV #163 “River Running in You and Me”
Words & Music: Ian Macdonald & Gordon Light Used with permission. One License #A-725242
Benediction: Go into the world. Seek God, looking among all your brothers and sisters for signs of God’s presence. Serve God, showing the world God’s ways of justice, and the company of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always. Amen
Choral Benediction:
A-men, A-men, Hallelujah A-men!