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Sunday Service

Sunday, May 26, 2019


Community of Faith Service –

Sunday Service led by the Choir,

the Congregation and the Worship Committee


Musical Gathering  


 Hymn  MV #2             “Come All You People”

Words & Music: Alexander Gondo  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Call to Worship -

1 - We come from the East

where the sun brings the freshness of a new day.

2 - We come from the South

where seeds are sown, new shoots burst forth

and life flourishes under the strength of the sun.

3 - We come from the West

where the sun sets in a flame of glory,

calling us to the quiet curve of evening,

the place of time and rest.

4 - We come from the North,

where the strong wind binds us in community,

where we gather in the warmth of the hearth

to break bread together.

We come because You call us, Holy One,

We gather in worship, to centre ourselves in You.

Gathering Prayer

Gracious God, welcoming Jesus, disturbing Spirit.

Stir the places where we gather as Your people.

In the ways You receive us,

teach us how to receive others.

In the grace with which You draw us home,

make us bold to practice hospitality.

In this place of prayer,

enliven us with Your presence, we pray.

This day, today and tomorrow,

may we live with respect in creation and with all our relations.  Amen.


Welcome - Lighting of Christ Candle


Hymn  VU #345           “Come, Children, Join to Sing” (2 vs)

Words: Christian Henry Bateman  Music: anonymous  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Especially for Children


Hymn  VU #345           “Come, Children, Join to Sing” (3 vs)

Words: Christian Henry Bateman  Music: anonymous  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


(remain seated as children leave)


Scriptures        Genesis 11:31 - 12:9

                        Acts 16:9-15 Paul & Lydia




Good news: “Travel by Faith”


Hymn  MV #176          “Three Things I Promise”

Words: Brian Wren  Music: Daniel Charles Damon  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Offering Invitation      ‘Thankful Praises”

by Jason Barnsley


Prayers of the People


Lord’s Prayer Sung VU #959


Hymn VU #634           “To Abraham and Sarah”

Words: Judith Fetter  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Commissioning and Blessing

In faith, God calls us forward.

In faith, we dare to venture forth.

In love, Christ blesses us.

In love, we dare to bless the world.

In hope, the Spirit accompanies us from this place.

In hope, we go to serve.

May the blessing of God, our Mother and Father,

Redeemer and Friend, Comforter and Advocate,

fill us with joy this day and all days.



Choral Benediction – Amen Amen Hallelujah

 Community of Faith

May 23

Choir Practise

May 27
