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Sunday Service

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Fifth Sunday of Easter –

Sunday Service led by the Choir,

the Congregation and Pat Ribey




 Life and Work of the Church family

 Lighting of the Christ Candle

 Time of Silence

 Call to Worship

God says to us, “I am about to do a new thing.

Now it springs forth; do you see it?”

Yes I will see it!

God says, “I am making my way through the wilderness

to give drink to my people.”

I will drink out of the Creator’s living waters.

God says, “Now is the time to declare your praise.”

We praise and worship You, Holy One,

with hearts full of gratitude.

We are your beloved children. Yeh God!


Hymn:  VU #166          “Joy Comes with the Dawn”

Words & Music: Gordon Light  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Prayer of Approach and Confession:   

Merciful Creator, we come to you from various situations,

with different experiences, and diverse backgrounds,

yet we all hear your call to gather here.

Each one of us has our own particular reasons for coming,

perhaps reasons that are not entirely clear to us,

yet we come.

We don’t know what we will experience or hear this day;

we might hear ideas that seem old hat,

there might even be some challenges,

or we might be inspired to try new ways of relating to others. We’re seldom ready for change even those we plan;

change can be unsettling, often not welcome,

sometimes easy to ignore. We may tune out,

unwilling to listen to thoughts about our less than loving behaviors.

 We want to love one another, to seek justice,

to work towards ending racism.

 But our eyes can become blind

and hearts closed to the many injustices in our world.

How easy it is to refuse to discuss

or reflect on those things that prevent us from loving others.

It’s much easier to live in denial.   

 However we do want to love one another,

to seek justice, and to work towards ending racism.

 Hear our prayers, Gracious God,

forgive our transgressions,

heal us and return us to your path

of living in right relationship with all of creation.

In Jesus name, Amen


Hymn of Assurance: MV #90              “Don’t Be Afraid”

Words: John L. Bell & Graham Maule  Music: John L. Bell  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Conversation: Women and leadership: we welcome

members of the Lloydminster Chapter 76 Order of the Eastern Star


Hymn VU #280                                    “Mother and God”

Words & Music: Miriam Therese Winter  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


The Scriptures Speak to Us


Prayer of Illumination: MV #115       

“Behold, Behold, I Make All Things New”


Acts 11:1-18    “transformed by a dream” (to a new way of living)


John 13:31-35        “love one another”


This is Part of our story

Thanks be to God!


Message: “privilege”


Hymn MV #145                                   “Draw the Circle Wide”

Words & Music: Gordon Light  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242




The Giving and Receiving of our Gifts


Hymn of Dedication: MV #191           “What Can I Do?

Words & Music: Paul Rumbolt & Michele McCarthy  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Prayers of the People


The Lord’s Prayer VU #959


Hymn: VU #187                                   “The Spring Has Come”

Words: Shirley Erena Murray  Music: Colin Gibson Used with permission.  One License #A-725242


Commissioning and Blessing


VU #884  “Isaiah 55 (You Shall Go Out with Joy)”

Words: Steffi G. Rubin  Music: Stuart Dauermann  Used with permission.  One License #A-725242

May 17

Coffee and Conversation

May 21

Worship Committee