Sunday, April 14, 2019 Palm Sunday
Worship led by Kidz Praize, Handbells, Choir, Congregation and Rev. Cathy Kinsman
Prelude “In the Garden” Grace Celebration Ringers Words & Music: C. Austin Miles
Introit "Blessed is He Who Comes" -Kidz Praize, Choir and Handbells
Gathering – Welcome
Call to Worship
Wave the palms! Sing out loud! -This Palm Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem.
We take our part in the excited crowd. - We bow before the King, riding on a donkey.
Wave branches! Sing out loud! -This is the day! Let us worship Jesus together!
Hymn VU #123 "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna"
Words: Jennette Music: 18th Century German tune Used with permission. One License #A-725242
(Kidz Praize processing with Palm branches onto the chancel steps)
Song “Jumpin Up and Down” Kidz Praize
Lighting of the Christ Candle and Affirming Candle
Opening Prayer
Lenten Challenge - An act of sacrifice - Esme Loney
Anthem "Crown the King with Praise" - Choir
Prayer (The Master Needs Your Donkey: A Prayer of Confession) - by Rev. Nathan Decker
God, we are too nervous to ask for help from one another.
The Master needs your donkey, but we're afraid to ask.
God, we are afraid to give you what you ask.
Help us realize what we have is a gift from you.
God, we are too proud to lay our cares before you.
Help us to lay our cloaks on the colt, on the road, on your way.
God, we have been quiet in our praise,
our shouts of Hosanna sound like mice whispering.
Put palms in our hands; help us in grace to stand.
We have looked from the pinnacle of the temple,
craving, protecting, and using power.
We have told you time and time again, make the crowds pipe down!
Break our hearts of stone; let us see your steadfast love,
and bring forth your Kin-dom in this place.
Forgive us for what we have not asked;
forgive us for what we have asked that was not needed,
for what we have kept that was needed,
and for what we have given that was unjust.
We offer ourselves and our hearts now in prayer.
(prayerful silence is offered)
Words of Grace
Hear the Good News.
Christ came riding a donkey of peace and reconciliation,
not a charging war horse of judgment.
We are a forgiven people. Thanks be to God.
Hymn MV #128 (vs. 1-3)
"When They Heard That Jesus Was Coming"
Words & Music: Rory Cooney Used with permission. One License #A-725242
(Kidz Praize to sing – “sing hosanna to the chosen one”)
Luke 19:29-40 - Read by Colleen Groenen
Jesus enters Jerusalem to cheering crowds
Anthem "For God So Loved the World" Kidz Praize
Hymn MV #128 (vs. 4-6)
"When They Heard That Jesus Was Coming"
(The children will leave to go to their group gathering
as we sing verse 6)
Luke 22:39-62 - Read by Colleen Groenen
Gethsemane; arrest
In this is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God!
Offering Invitation
Offering Hymn - VU #540 "Grant Us, God, the Grace"
Words: Anonymous Music: Christian F. Witt Used with permission. One License #A-725242
Offering Prayer
Prayers of Joy and Concern
Closing Hymn VU #436 “Abide with Me”
Words: Henry Francis Lyte Music: William Henry Monk Used with permission. One License #A-725242
Commissioning - Blessing