Are you looking for a neat night out for your family? Check out Messy Church - A night full of food, fun activities, faith and fellowship with other families!
Messy Church is the first Thursday of every month in the Basement of Grace United Church from 5:30 - 7:00. Families are encouraged to register online or at the Grace United Church office.
We will provide the main course for supper and families are encouraged to bring buns or pickles or veggies or salad or dessert or juice boxes... whatever your family fancies! All families are welcome!
Program: 5:30 - 5:45: Gathering and Mingling Time (free play) 5:45 - 6:15: Giving Thanks for the Meal we've all Prepared and Eating Together 6:15 - 7:00: Fam Jam time (Stories, Crafts, Games, Songs, and Activities)
Themes: October 3rd: Giving Thanks November 7th: Peace for Everyone December 5th: Getting Ready for the Season