Sunday June 15th (Father's Day)

June 15th (Father's Day)

Picnic at Weaver Park

Trinity Sunday


Introit MV#8 “And On This Path”


Life and Work of the Church Family

Pass The Peace

         One: May Christ's Peace be with you today

         Many: And with you.

Welcome those around you with the Peace of Christ

Lighting of the Candles:

Invitation to Worship:

We gather in the intimacy of God's creation, touching the earth.

We gather in the remembrance of fathers present and unseen.

We gather in the spirit of Play, to laugh, and rejoice, to pray, and to sing. Come let us worship as we sing...

Hymn:  MV#28 “God of the Bible”

Gathering Prayer

Time with Children: 

Hymn:  VU# 316 "Praise Our Maker

The Scriptures Speak to Us

Genesis 1:1-2:4a

Psalm 8

Matthew 28:16-20


                  This is a Part of Our Story

                  Thanks be to God 

Sermon:  "With You From the Beginning to the End"

Hymn MV#135 “Called By Earth and Sky”


Called by earth and sky, promise of hope held high,

This is our sacred living trust, treasure of life sanctified,

called by earth and sky.

1.  Precious these waters endless seas, deep oceans dream,

waters of healing, rivers of rain, the wash of love again.


2. Precious this gift, the air we breathe, wind born and free,  Breath of the Spirit blow through this place, our gathering and our grace.


3.  Precious these mountains, ancient sands; vast fragile land.  Seeds of our wakening rooted and strong, Creation’s faithful song.         


4.  Precious the fire that lights our way, bright dawning day.  Fire of passion, sorrow undone, our faith and justice one.


Sacrament of Communion

Offering Invitation

Presentation of our Gifts:


Offering Response:  

            Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

         praise God, all creatures high and low;

         give thanks to God in love made known:

         Creator, Word, and Spirit, One

            Words- Thomas Ken   Music- Gladys Jack

Dedication Prayer

Prayers of the People

Lord's Prayer

Hymn:  VU# 595 “We Are Pilgrims”

God Goes with Us in Our Daily Lives

Commissioning and Benediction

God is with us,

         In the sunlight , in the air we breathe,

         In the earth, and the water,

         and in all things that live.

We receive as a gift

         the sunlight, the air we breathe,

         the earth, and the water,

         and  all things that live.

We will live in, and learn from

         the sunlight , the air we breathe,

         the eath, and the water,

         and all things that live.

Let us go in the Grace of God!

Choral Amen:

         Amen! Amen!

          Hallelujah Amen.




Youth 10 yrs and older to work at the Fairbooth


Grace's Blog - June 2014