Gifts with Vision

Gifts with Vision

A Giving catalogue from the United Church of Canada

Dilemma: What to buy my loved ones for Christmas, especially those who have everything they need and prefer to buy what they want?

Not a dilemma when you can find the perfect gift in the 2013 “ gift with vision” catalogue and at the same time have the opportunity to improve lives in Canada and globally.

In 2012 there was a request from our church partner in Zambia to purchase bikes for pastors serving large areas with poor roads and little or no public transportation. Thanks to you, the United Church of Zambia purchased 44 bicycles and 4 motor bikes. Here is a thank you from them: “ We are so grateful you responded to our challenges.”Gifts for clothing at Brunswick Street Mission were the most popular choice for Canadian projects in the 2012 catalogue.

By March 31, 2013, there were 7,494 Gifts with Vision totaling $ 403, 940. Thank you for your generosity and care shown in this way.

Several years ago, I was part of a M & S group that visited our partner the Presbyterian Church in Cuba. We observed one of their daily projects being carried out. 300 meals for seniors and shut ins, a mission project included in the 2012 catalogue. I was blessed by their faith, and to know our gifts of money do reach those who are needy in countries such as Cuba.

This year our partners have chosen new mission projects to include in The 2013 Gift with Vision catalogue which is available in print (copies at church house), and online at

                                                             Pat Ribey


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