TIme and Talent is Ready to Roll!

We Are Ready to Roll!

The 2013 Grace United Church Time & Talent Fundraiser Auction Committee are pretty much organized for a fun evening on Wednesday, October 30th.  We do still have a few tickets available, please call Karen Ollen (306-825-2976) or Marilyn McAllister (780-875-4383).  If you are good at waving, we still need a few spotters for the Live Auction, please call Deb Lundquist (780-871-1652) or see us after Church.  We have an awesome selection of auction items, and we “Thank You” very much for your support! 

See you There!!


Grace United Church Time & Talent Fundraiser Auction Raised...


Sunday, October 20, 2013 Twenty-second after Pentecost